A piece of artwork masquerading as a balustrade is often something most people overlook when they consider the need to erect one. Generally speaking - and I say generally, people use them purely to fulfill the functional aspect of having one in place. The functional purpose don't get me wrong is vital - having a guest who has been uneconomical with the single malt take a swan dive down from the first floor is possibly not a good idea if you want your friends to keep visiting and sharing in your whisky cabinet!
The pic above as you can see is NOT of a balustrade but of the banister - it's a teaser for what's to come and you have to agree with me, this design captured with this lighting it's a beautiful piece of contemporary art!
It's important to make mention here that choosing the 'right' style of balustrade is as important as ensuring that you have one at all. Depending on the style of your architecture, your balustrade needs to compliment not contrast it. Picture this; an elaborate old Tuscan villa with the latest stainless steel modern creation - it just doesn't sound right, if it doesn't sound right its safe to say it probably won't look right either!
The choice of material for balustrade varies from cast concrete, bronze or marble (the oldest form), hard and soft woods, wrought iron, stainless steel, glass, aluminum and perspex.
To me a balustrade does to a building what eyebrows do to the face; when they're missing, or too bushy or too manicured, it just looks a little odd. Strange analogy I know but, I knew you'd get it immediately. They add a design element that nothing else can, it highlights the era, the style, a personal touch of interest and accentuates the boldness of the creation it so stately supports!
Take a look at the following motifs and imagine where you would most likely be to be appreciating balustrades so delicately designed and erected...
Now take a stroll down the lane of look-see-decide and develop your own understanding and opinion of the use, the importance, affirmation they lend to style and 'eyebrow effect' of balustrades.
While a balustrade isn't a 'cheap' piece to erect, it needn't cost an arm and a leg figuratively speaking; the cost of installing one or needing to refurbish and redesign the one you currently have all depends on the materials you choose to have it created out of. A purpose made once off piece isn't always out priced but do understand that craftsmanship is time intensive and materials don't come cheap BUT
there are always so many options to ensure that something is workable to your budget! Remember, what's IN may not suit the style of surroundings of where a balustrade is needed AND why not be an individual and lead the way?
Another point to ponder, is that very often a balaudstrade in a corporate environment's interior will look adept to it's surroundings but may not work in a residential application and viceversa - BUT, even this is no hard and fast rule. There is always an exception and each home / corporate space is unique to those living / working and adding their own personal touch and feel that make that space like no other.
It's just a fun exercise to sit and look at various styles and imagine using them in various different places to see what could work and sometimes which just does not work!
Enjoy! Hope you take a trip around the world with these designs - or is it just me who does weird stuff like this?!