Thursday, May 3, 2012

Practical Contemporary Laundry

Lets face it a laundry is a 'grudge room'. Its a 'nice to have' if you have the space to spare and rank it above 'necessities' such as a man cave! Lets spend some time now thrashing this one out and I'll leave the final word up to you.

A laundry used to be (and sometimes still is) an area in the garage or a back room where you could do the laundry and leave it as is at the end of the day, closing the door behind you. With today's contemporary living being defined by clean lines, efficient functionality and ergonomic designs; the laundry has evolved with the times and demands more than a heap of clean clothes precariously balanced on the top of the washing machine. Today's laundry boasts a place for everything and everything in its place; and as I mentioned earlier, it demands the space to be functional, practical and contemporary with ergonomic laundry furniture. But, there is a greater expectation and a pretty little room is just not going to cut it, its vital that the space offers plenty of storage, rails with hangers, and convenient cupboard space to ensure from the wash to drawer precision.

So what are the traditional expectations of a laundry? As you already know, its where where clothes are washed - exciting!  Traditionally, a laundry would be equipped with an automatic washing machine and clothes dryer, and often a large basin, called a laundry tub, for hand-washing delicate items of clothing such as jerseys, and an ironing board.

A typical laundry is located in the garage or domestic quarters of older homes, but in many modern homes, the laundry is now found near the kitchen. Another location is often adjacent to the garage.

Laundry's also as mentioned include storage cabinets, countertops for folding clothes, and, space permitting, a small sewing machine.  Obviously, detergents and spare buttons and the like now find their way out of other cupboards and draws to a dedicated location too.

Unlike the actual laundered items, the design of a laundry room is generally not the most glamorous designed space, save perhaps as shown in the pictures here.  It's often shoved to the end of the interior to-do list. I have to admit though, that I really enjoy designing and constructing rooms like this; from simple modern cabinets to handy mobile organizer units and built-in modular components, I always enjoy designing and creating custom pieces that bring about simplicity, flexibility and fitness to function.  Reconfiguring a home to accommodate areas like this laundry room is the kind of challenge I love to throw in to my mix of building houses and redesigning all items of structure. 

Most of the styles I've used above are contemporary and are conducive to a home with a generous amount of space and a budget with a little surplus fat.  Either of the above may be an exception to some however, but it needn't be the case in all circumstances.  Washing in the kitchen and ironing in the bedroom for ever amen hardly has to be your only option of a laundry either.  Below are some funky and streamline designs that will work in just about every home.  If you don't agree with me, give me a ring - I'll work out where and how you can put a laundry in!

 Simple, clean and practical.


Functional and compact.

A master multifunctional laundry.

This laundry would most definately be the kind of style my mom would choose; chic, modern, functional and yet very classy....  Nice one this is!

A final bit of inspiration...

as promised, you have the final word....

Ciao Alain

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Beefing it up with a dainty balustrade.

A piece of artwork masquerading as a balustrade is often something most people overlook when they consider the need to erect one. Generally speaking - and I say generally, people use them purely to fulfill the functional aspect of having one in place. The functional purpose don't get me wrong is vital - having a guest who has been uneconomical with the single malt take a swan dive down from the first floor is possibly not a good idea if you want your friends to keep visiting and sharing in your whisky cabinet!

The pic above as you can see is NOT of a balustrade but of the banister - it's a teaser for what's to come and you have to agree with me, this design captured with this lighting it's a beautiful piece of contemporary art!

It's important to make mention here that choosing the 'right' style of balustrade is as important as ensuring that you have one at all. Depending on the style of your architecture, your balustrade needs to compliment not contrast it. Picture this; an elaborate old Tuscan villa with the latest stainless steel modern creation - it just doesn't sound right, if it doesn't sound right its safe to say it probably won't look right either!

The choice of material for balustrade varies from cast concrete, bronze or marble (the oldest form), hard and soft woods, wrought iron, stainless steel, glass, aluminum and perspex.

To me a balustrade does to a building what eyebrows do to the face; when they're missing, or too bushy or too manicured, it just looks a little odd. Strange analogy I know but, I knew you'd get it immediately. They add a design element that nothing else can, it highlights the era, the style, a personal touch of interest and accentuates the boldness of the creation it so stately supports!

Take a look at the following motifs and imagine where you would most likely be to be appreciating balustrades so delicately designed and erected...

Now take a stroll down the lane of look-see-decide and develop your own understanding and opinion of the use, the importance, affirmation they lend to style and 'eyebrow effect' of balustrades.

While a balustrade isn't a 'cheap' piece to erect, it needn't cost an arm and a leg figuratively speaking; the cost of installing one or needing to refurbish and redesign the one you currently have all depends on the materials you choose to have it created out of. A purpose made once off piece isn't always out priced but do understand that craftsmanship is time intensive and materials don't come cheap BUT
there are always so many options to ensure that something is workable to your budget! Remember, what's IN may not suit the style of surroundings of where a balustrade is needed AND why not be an individual and lead the way?

Another point to ponder, is that very often a balaudstrade in a corporate environment's interior will look adept to it's surroundings but may not work in a residential application and viceversa - BUT, even this is no hard and fast rule. There is always an exception and each home / corporate space is unique to those living / working and adding their own personal touch and feel that make that space like no other.

It's just a fun exercise to sit and look at various styles and imagine using them in various different places to see what could work and sometimes which just does not work!

Enjoy! Hope you take a trip around the world with these designs - or is it just me who does weird stuff like this?!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Summer Love! xxx

A happy new year to you!!

I sincerely hope that you will excuse me for going AWOL once again - this time I have no excuse only to say winding up a year end in building and design is d e m a n d i n g and then, well it was time to just kick back and relax! So whilst I've come back refreshed and relaxed, I've hit the ground running and so promise that I will keep things turning over nicely here once again!

Today's blog was certainly one of the easiest to compile! The only place on everyone's mind in Sunny SA at this time of the year is the pool (the beach way surpasses this but it has it's own marvelous creation that requires no 're-designing' so it doesn't qualify here!).

The pool is really more multifunctional than we give it credit for; its a balmy summer afternoon and whilst the family has a siesta, I'm sitting beside the pool, laptop up and chipping away at my first blog of 2012! I'm relaxed, the breeze has come up a little and the tranquility of the water makes light of my little brain storm session of 're-designing' a pool area.

What's superb about a pool area is that it adds great value to your home, its not just a spot to take a dip and cool down when the mercury soars, its a feature that adds a few zeros on to your property's value!

Many moons ago, when properties were large with ample space, the pool area was generally set away from the home as a 'stand alone feature'. It was enclosed by a pool fence and a lovely pool house inclusive of bar and lounge adorned it so that you didn't have to schlep everything to the pool every time you wanted to enjoy a dip and a braai. If you're fortunate enough to have a property like this today, enjoy the fact that you can 'get away from it all' - all the way at the pool! With properties becoming smaller and space at a premium, pool areas are now integrated into the greater home entertainment area which pretty much offers you the same benefit as those of yesteryear without leaving the comfort of your living area.

The concrete jungle surrounding the pool that was once slasto has made way for a small border of decking such as balau / sandstone / tile or resin gravel surrounded by a lush grassed area. This border adds character to the pool area and provides a wider spectrum of colour which is always pleasing to the eye. There are many surface options on the market, deciding on a new look for that pool which was built in the late 70's and is hungry for a make-over means that you are spoiled for choice. It's an uncomplicated project to lift the current border and surround the pool with a more contemporary one and lay some instant grass. Whilst you are at it, consider replacing the coping too, it will do wonders in achieving a more up to date looking space.

If the colour of the pool is drab and a blue sparkle only refers to the surface of the water on a hot cloud-less day, consider redoing the marbelite and mosaic. This requires more intensive work and is best left for late summer as your pool will need to be emptied but, it will mean a wonderful new fresh look for the return of the next pool season - only three months away!

While trees near any pool area create lots of work, they really soften and add texture, colour and beauty to an area that needs to be alive. Whether space only allows for a few plant boxes and a bed with a palm in the corner; I really believe a pool area looks best enhanced with nature's photosynthesizing mobile!

Pool designs have also come so far! Think of all the options; rock pools, splash pools, rim-flow, fully tiled, lap pools - the list is endless. The decision of design is made by 'your need' - what purpose does your pool fulfill?

Do you need to train for the annual Midmar Mile?

Raise the next Ryk Neethling?

Be the local 'bookclub' venue choice for Saturday night pool parties?

Have a place for your children to enjoy having fun with their friends?

Or simply does it help you to unwind after a long day?

There were times when I honestly wanted to fill my pool (an old 70's gem) up with sand! Being a married couple without children a few years ago meant that we were seldom at home, when we were it seemed as though I was always trying to stablise water and sort out the incompetent kreepy.

This was WAY too much work for us, we surfed when it was hot and had no interest in lounging at the pool which was a constant DIY project in any case.

WELL, has my tune changed since my children have grown to love the pool! Whilst the kreepy is still the bane of my life, the pool is often used daily sometimes all day, its feeling loved and now looks great. Now that I have recognised the purpose of my own pool, I think I need to apply some of my own pearls and wave my wand of re-designing to grace it with a new re-designed look!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Outdoor Entertainment

Firstly, I must apologise for my absence! It's really no excuse BUT I have been really hectic of late, HECTICLY HECTIC (not sure if that's a word?). I'm not sure whether it's the time of the year or whether it's me getting my a into g to get all projects to bed by close off for Christmas. I hope you understand.

Well today's blog was probably the easiest to come up with and I reckon it's going to be inspiring to browse through, lets hope the info comes readily - the visuals sure have!

We're heading to the favourite part of every Zaffa's (South African for those unsure of this colloquial term) home - the Outdoor Entertainment area!

With spring quickly becoming summer people are starting to live outdoors once again; at home we've had dinner outdoors already twice this week. The evenings are balmy and calm, the garden is alive with the crispness of fresh young leaves and flowers watered earlier in the day by the summer rains. Who would want to be inside with the TV on when you can enjoy the freedom of being outdoors in the pool, playing garden cricket or enjoying a braai?

When planning an entertainment area, keep in mind the purpose you have for it around the activities that you enjoy outdoors as to make sure that it's functional and complimentary. Looking at the designs around the world and the ones I've recently been commissioned to do and it's evident that clutter free and open living applies as much to the outdoors as what it does to the indoors. There are so many wonderful examples of great well executed designs, I know you're going to enjoy this blog!

There are a few elements that make up the entertainment area, you will need to forgive me as some of what I'm going to mention is very elementary. However, when we're designing and constructing a project, unless there is a list of what you actually want before you start, you run the risk of forgetting that one simple little thing until the build is half way there. Back tracking and changing things around always ends up disturbing the design and ends up with that mind's eye not quite matching the finished project; you also often bump into troublesome snags which you always want to avoid as they always become a hassle....just a little heads up! So here goes.

VIP is your cooking area, remember that the party always congregates near the cooking area, so keep it's positioning top of mind. If you are fortunate enough to have the space and budget is no problem, then opting for a gas hob with a skillet is the way to go - its a braai and a stove in one and with space available it means it will be well protected under cover. The area now becomes an outdoor self contained accessible kitchen - no more schleping the kitchen outside every time you have guests over. BUT, a braai does sometimes need to be on traditional coals so always design keeping in mind that you need a special storage spot for the kettle braai!

Remember you're cooking triangle applies even outdoors so make sure that on designing the outdoor entertainment area that you remember to include a place for a fridge and a bin near the cooking area - all in the precious 'triangle'.

In keeping with the thread above assuming you have the space to roof off and construct a covered area, timber flooring or cladding it as a ceiling creates warmth and also allows you to 'bring the garden inside'. A ceiling allows you to install a lighting system that creates a good ambiance and the area gives the impression of been another room and not just an 'afdak'. There is definately a place though for rustic structures - if that's your style and what helps you feel most relaxed then go that route!

Depending on budget, your taste, the style of your home, the purpose (required multi-purpose expectation) and the space you have; here are some other ideas of what has been done...

Let's assume now that an undercover entertainment area isn't what you have in mind. Well, the only thing that we've discussed that won't apply to you are ceilings, down lights and a bigger budget! The cooking area, well its much of a much except that you're more likely to go the gas braai route or a built in braai; laying a deck in the area you set aside is a great way of establishing and creating the entertainment area.

We're spoiled for choice today with all the different styles of outdoor furniture, whether you want to create a contemporary, country, classical or Mediterranean feel; various stores carry a number of different ranges to choose from. It's simply that easy. But KNOW WHICH LOOK you're after prior to kicking off with the project or it may cause more grey hairs than necessary! Deciding on your style affects your paint colours and techniques, flooring, ceilings, accessories and most importantly, the over all design. You can see for yourself what I mean; you compare the above points that I've mentioned in the visuals below.

You with me? Can you also see looking at most visuals above that having an entertainment area need not mean a huge big area that you need to build? It can mean thinking out of the cliched box and using a corner, building a recessed seating area or using a spot in the garden and dressing it with a few softs, furnishings and accessories - like I said earlier, it's quite easy to do if you have an idea of what you want - shout if you need a hand with those ideas!

Enjoy this wonderful time of the year and I hope it's enjoyed outdoors with lots of delicious food in great company - CIAO!